Location saisonnière d'appartements à prix abordables !

Commentaires des locataires

Appt 183 -- rue Beaurepaire -- 10ème Arrdt -- Rating: 3.5
Couchage Chambres Surface Nuit Semaine Mois Durée min.
7 2 120m2 271€ 1652€ 5310€ 3 Nuits

Cliquer sur le bouton "Ajouter á mes favoris" ci-dessous pour demander la disponibilité de l'appartement du propriétaire.
Rating: 3.5   Note Générale 3.5
This was a delightful apartment in a beautiful and charming area of Paris. The spacious layout suited us extremely well, as we were able to put the little boy to bed in the dining room. As we noted in our correspondence with you, our big concern was the grubby unhygienic condition of the apartment. The owner's token remedy of a two-hour additional once-over by the cleaner did very little. If this apartment receives a complete and thorough day or two-day long professional cleaning by a real cleaning services (plus a new coat of paint in the very grubby kitchen), and is properly maintained as a rental property, it will be an excellent property. I would recommend you put up a floor plan on the website so potential renters can see just how enormous and flexible the space is.
31 mai 2014
28 avr 2014