Location saisonnière d'appartements à prix abordables !

Commentaires des locataires

Appt 337 -- place du Marché Saint Honoré -- 1er Arrdt -- Rating: 4.33
Couchage Chambres Surface Nuit Semaine Mois Durée min.
2 0 33m2 118€ 826€ 2490€ 3 Nuits

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Rating: 4.33   Note Générale 4.33
One of my favorite apartments of Ah Paris. It has been the second time I rented it and it was as pleasant as the first time. Perfect location, well selected interior design, this place has a great energy. In the winter it is nice to sit near the window with a cup of hot chocolate bought from Angelina and look outside in the evening. Looking forward for the next stay (which we already booked for summer). Merci et a la prochaine fois
12 déc 2013