Location saisonnière d'appartements à prix abordables !

Commentaires des locataires

Appt 223 -- rue des Rosiers -- 4ème Arrdt -- Rating: 4.67
Couchage Chambres Surface Nuit Semaine Mois Durée min.
2 0 27m2 153€ 994€ 2970€ 3 Nuits

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Rating: 4.67   Note Générale 4.67
Location excellent;appearance of apartment excellent - chique, charming, clean and well maintained;kitchen equipment, crockery, bench-top etc.excellent;settee comfortable; kitchen/dining stools while looking very smart are very uncomfortable and slightly hazardous due to square metal seats with sharpish corner edges (rounded tops preferably with slight padding would be much better; bathroom/toilet very nicely appointed but needs an electric exhaust fan as there is no window to open and air the room. Bedroom and storage space very adequate, but the bed is in desperate need of a new mattress. A good night's sleep is essential with the rigours of extensive daily touring and sight-seeing and we did not ever have one due to the state of the bed. I would rate that bed as a 2/10. Otherwise everything else was very enjoyable (stools and bathroom vent notwithstanding). Given a new mattress or bed, we would happily book the apartment again.
06 avr 2013